WOW, it’s finally here ! 🤭
World Operation Wakesurf @world_operation_wakesurf
🔥WHO: I’ve been developing an online guide to Systematic Wakesurf learning, targeted for riders that train individually or instructors that aim to teach students at any level
🔥WHAT: World Operation Wakesurf, WOW, is an Online Platform that will breakdown Wakesurf into 5 categories B-A-R-V-S (Balance, Aerial, Rotation, Varial, Shuv)
🔥WHY: To allow riders all over the world to build the correct fundamental skills to progress systematically and efficiently
WHEN: Follow for the upcoming news and share WOW with all the passionate riders around the world @world_operation_wakesurf
📕 Complete Online Guide for learning & training
[getting up➡️fundamentals➡️pro tricks]
• FREE ebook coming soon
課程內容: 零基礎➡️基本功➡️職業動作
🌊基本功1:平衡 (初學者適合先了解板子的功能性,還有如何在浪上控制自己的速度還有在浪的位子)
🌊 基本功2:轉 Spin (能夠放繩子留在原地還有控制板子的速度以後,可以練習旋轉的動作)
🌊 基本功3:跳躍 (跳躍的動作重點是要有速度!壓縮力量+保持速度,要練習 Timing. 要在最有速度的時候到達做動作的浪點)
🌊 基本功4:轉體 (這個動作考驗的是穩定的正面正腳 /背面反腳(Toeside/Switch Backside)滑行。動作在浪下跟浪上都能做)
🌊 基本功5: 踢板(這個動作是人不動而板動,考驗板尾對船帶著尾鰭Fin往前滑行(revert riding)。板頭/板尾會換位改板往前的方向)